But then my cute physiotherapist, who have been treating my herniated disc, looked at me in this weird way and pointed out that this might not be the best idea I ever had, and would I then at least consider bringing a chair?
Have any of you been to Roskilde? Maybe going to my favourite scene/tent there, The Arena, who can house 17.000 people? And if it´s a REALLY popular band, there´ll be another 17.000 outside the tent. Bring a chair? He might as well have suggested I should bring a couple of elephants.
So I sold the ticket again, and at least made somebody else very happy.
But I was disappointed. Especially about the fact that I would be missing out on one of the concerts that I´ve been looking forward to the most: the Danish one-man-project/liveband Sleep Party People. I´m going to hear him play in Copenhagen later this autumn, but that´s just not the same as experiencing him at Roskilde... Roskilde is special.
So I had to express my frustration somehow. And since I´m anyway busy at the moment getting myself re-acuainted with Gimp(the free alternative, for those of us who can not afford Photoshop), and since Sleep Party People always perform disguised as rabbits, I stole a photo from Sleep Party People on Facebook (I´m sorry!) - a photo showing a band member looking out on Copenhagen from a rooftoop - and turned him into a rather frustrated an unhappy bunny....

I´m actually pretty satisfied with the outcome. So now I´m thinking if I should just go ahead, and harm a hole bunch of my favourite musicians?