Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fallulah - or is human hair going to be the next thing?

I´ve been using human hair in my art for quite some years now. And it never stops to fascinate me how repulsive most people think the idea of somebody elses hair is. Mostly people won´t touch my art at all if it involves human hair.

So I found it very funny when I watched the danish music award show P3 Guld and the winner of the big prize, Fallulah, showed  up wearing a dress made partly out of human hair.

If I ever have the luck to meet this wonderful woman, I`ll make sure to ask her if anybody hughed her that evening.... anybody?

I don´t know who made this dress and where that idea came from (if you do know, please drop me a line). My friend Janis suggested "Maybe people have been watching you with hair in your art :))  Next they'll be dressing in teeth too :)". Dressing in teeth? I can hardly wait!

The photo is taken by  Per Lange, and I borrowed it from Gaffa´s homepage. I hope I´m not in trouble.