I went to a concert with Sleep Party People in Little Vega, Copenhagen last saturday. It was really great, just a little short, so I´ll look forward to the time when they have a bigger pile of songs to perform.
I normally don´t take photos at concerts. I have a friend, Lars Dela, that does that very well instead, but he was busy somewhere else that night, so I decided to give it a try. Also because Sleep Party People always perform disguised as rabbits, and I wanted photos of that.
I have no idea of what settings to use in my camera, so I experimented a bit. And it turned out that the only thing working was something called night snap shot, so I ended up with only 3 photos that worked (and one of them needed a little help in photo editing from Janis Sawyer, thanks).
But I´m pretty proud of those 3 shots, so here they are (I even uploaded them on Gaffa Photo Award after they called for more female photographers, but I don´t have high expectations on that though):
(click on the photos to see the full version)
Strangers in the night... Musicmakers. Backlight. The obscure and inscrutable wabbit.
If Graffa Photo wants more female photographers, you went to the right place. Even if they didn't want females, you scored. I love these photos on every level.
Hey, next time ask Sleep Party People for a long concert. That will work!
I did complain a bit about the short concert, but SSP said he didn´t have any more songs to play. Hopefully he will next time!
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