Sunday, May 27, 2012

Song Of the Year 2012: Spit it out

My song of the year, at least, and who knows, it might be Song Of the Year next year too. And next year. And next....

The song is Spit it out by danish band From Sarah with David Fjelstrup on vocals. I´ve written a tiny bit about him before, and now I will write a little more. Hey, I might even do it again....
There´s a lot of great voices out there and I really do love a lot of voices (well, I love voices), but to me David´s voice is the most fucking amazing voice in the world.

When I listen to it, I can´t figure out if it makes me extremely unhappy or very happy. I think maybe it does both. Like the first bright day in the spring and you feel like getting high on sunshine. And yet you know that you´re walking on a thin line, there´s a big deep black hole underneath you and you just hope you won´t fall through this time......

For some odd reason they haven´t made a video for this, so here´s  a link to Soundcloud to listen too. Do it!

Pic by Lars Dela:

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