Sunday, September 26, 2010

Eductional Plates re-worked

I re-worked my Educational Plates last week. To begin with they were about flowers and bees, but I weren´t really satisfied and thought they could do with some more edge. I think they have that now - actually I think they are a bit scary...

I´m applying at KE10 with these, amongst others, and as usually it´s impossible to know what the jury are looking for... but normally they are looking for something totally different than my stuff:-0

As usually: click to see full size.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej Sadie.

Jeg kan rigtig godt lide din kunst, især dine fotoeksperimenter!
hvis du vil se mine projekter kan du gå ind på www.lawaetz-art.blogspot,com

håber vi mødes atelieret.
hilsen Cecilie